In reading the short post here, I was surprised to view this recruiting ad for Yahoo on Craigslist. Many companies, especially in India, recruit a substantial portion of their new hires through internal networking means. This means that current employees of the company, will refer someone they know as a candidate for a job at that company.
I would think that an online empire like Yahoo would have the social networking skills and connections to recruit recently graduate college students for hire. People have friends, but Yahoo has Craigslist. I don't think this makes Yahoo look very good. In a sense, online marketing for hires like this is good thinking, but in my opinion, it's not good enough. A nice little "I'm for Sale" tag goes up in my mind on anything that I see on Craigslist. Yahoo is simply saying, "we're too socially inept that we can't think of any better way to recruit hires than on Craigslist." How's about putting the recruitment ad on... YAHOO?? Perhaps on the Yahoo careers page?
This site talks about one's blog as fulfilling the role of their new resume. Your blog represents you. Well, I'd like to relate this back to the Yahoo faux-pas mentioned above. Job postings, in my eyes, are, as the blog reads, "serious business," "represent[ative] of you [i.e. Yahoo]," and "the unedited version of yourself." So, then, is Yahoo's recruiting techniques to say "we're cheap, not serious, and unoriginal?" It certainly appears this way. This reminds me of when an Army recruiting ad accidentally appeared on a gay social networking site.
I believe that how an organization recruits is reflective of the company's nature, style, and operation. What I am suggesting in this post is that my professional opinion of Yahoo has lessened slightly.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Posted by
Map Finder
1:27 PM
Labels: Craig'sList, India, social networking, Yahoo
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You're absolutely right, what is Yahoo thinking? I would like to meet the person who thought this was a good idea. Especially when they have their own career page. You have to wonder if they truly think they will gain better applicants from Craigs List or if they are just out of ideas.
this just seems like an alternative method of recruiting to me. nothing too alarming. i mean why not put a post? at the very least it could spark interest..plant a seed in the head of a particular applicant. then, maybe later in the day that person visits the actual yahoo! careers site where they can access all kinds of information.
i respect your position of it lowering your thoughts of the company though. obviously in recruiting, perception of your company is one of--if not THE most important part.
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